meet the authors

Liz Gold Somekh and Stacey Maslin are long-time neighbors in Quogue, New York. Both authors have two dachshunds each and even created a path connecting their backyards so their four pups could have endless playdates, sleepovers, and zany adventures. Through the dogs’ friendship, Stacey and Liz and their families became close friends. In their Dachshund Days book series, co-authors Liz and Stacey chronicle their pups’ 15-year friendship and share the playful encounters and charming tales that teach the value of friendship.


meet the doxies



Sweet Gracie loves fashion—it’s really her passion. She loves dressing up the girls. It’s never in doubt that whenever she’s out, she’s always wearing her pearls.



Riley’s such fun! We all love to come when she’s up to her rascally things. She’s our fearless leader—we know that we need her. We love the adventure she brings.

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Although Bella’s blind, we always find she’s the most helpful of all—you will see. Though she bumps into walls and has a few falls, she’s as happy as can be.



Now Sammy is shy—one can not deny. He’s a bit of a timid fella. But he loves having fun and always will come when asked nicely by Gracie or Bella.